Special Announcement: Maternity Leave
♥ Marissa is on extended maternity leave. ♥
She looks forward to working with you to create beautiful things upon her return!
Please email SweetheartsandCrafts@gmail.com with any inquiries.
Please note we will not be taking holiday orders for 2020. Thank you for your understanding.

For those of you who haven't heard, Marissa is expecting the birth of her first child and will soon be going on maternity leave.
Baby is due in early November and maternity leave will continue through the end of the year.
As exciting a time as this is for Marissa and her family, it will cut the Sweethearts and Crafts holiday season short as late night feedings and tummy time replace quilling and crafting.
If you plan to purchase any holiday items PLEASE get your orders in NOW!
Custom orders accepted and encouraged.
See the Ornaments and Tree Toppers, Chicago Sports Collection, Holiday Shop, or Shop All Items.
Keep in mind large angel tree toppers require extra time so don't wait!
Please let Marissa know if you have any questions or concerns by clicking here or contacting SweetheartsandCrafts@gmail.com at any time.
She looks forward to working with you full-time up until her maternity leave and again upon her return!
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